Red Face or Rosacea Symptoms? (Part 1)

Red Face or Rosacea Symptoms? (Part 1)

Have you ever flushed with embarrassment? It turns out the tendency towards the most common type of rosacea is based on this issue—flushing and blushing. Though the line is blurred between having this predisposition versus having full blown rosacea, the best dermatologists recognize that this skin problem.

How to Tell if Your Red Face is Rosacea?

Patients with the erythematotelangiectasias type of rosacea usually have baseline red color (a persisting flush) on their:

  • cheeks
  • nose
  • forehead
  • chin

Highlighted and gradually made worse by repeat bouts of flushing. Dilated blood vessels known as telangiectasias may also be seen.

Symptoms of Rosacea

In addition to the erythematotelangiectatic type, there are other varieties of rosacea and various combinations of these may occur

Papulopustular type of Rosacea

It is also quite common, and it resembles acne in adults with pimple-like spots on the central face. Perioral dermatitis is a specific name for a version of papulopustular rosacea that usually occurs around the mouth, nose, or eyes in adult women or sometimes in children.

Phymatous rosacea

This is much less common. It usually develops in older men on the nose, at times creating changes to the nose making it bumpier and more enlarged. This change is called rhinophyma and traditionally make reference to as a W.C. Fields-like nose. Though also uncommon, some patients may have ocular rosacea. We generally see this with red, blood-shot eyes and a feeling of having a material like sand or grit in them. It is fortunate that ocular rosacea is uncommon, as it can impact vision and even lead to scarring on the cornea of the eye.

Red Face Rosacea

Rosacea is the most common cause of persisting red on the face of adults, yet there are many other things that can give us a red face. Sun exposure or sun damage itself can lead to changes like enlarged blood vessels (telangiectasia) that mimic rosacea minus the flushing. Your face can also be made red by certain medications as well as various other skin conditions. A few of these include:

  • lupus
  • seborrheic dermatitis
  • acne
  • dermatitis/eczema

Suffering From Rosacea?

If you suffer from a persistently or intermittently red face, odds are good you have a treatable condition known as rosacea. Review our upcoming blog on what to do about this. Consider seeing one of our expert dermatology providers here at Advanced Dermatology of the Midlands. We are here to help you just like we have helped many people with their skin conditions.

Advanced Dermatology of the Midlands Omaha & Council Bluffs

Our vision is to deliver the highest level of dermatological care, using the most advanced technology and evidenced-based medicine in a personalized and compassionate environment. Our goal is to exceed our patients’ expectations while building a reputation as being the top dermatology practice in the Midlands.

For any information on Rosacea Treatment Options to make an appointment please contact us.