Skin Itching & Scratching

Skin Itching & Scratching

Skin Itching & Scratching can drive us up a wall. Everyone is itchy from time to time. However, for some of us, itchy skin can be much more severe—to the point of invading all aspects of our lives. Numerous factors can make us develop an itchy rash.

Dry skin, poison ivy, skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis (skin cell build-up), a bug crawling on the skin, malfunctioning nervous system (neuropathy), and other internal diseases (liver disease/kidney disease) can all cause itching. Insect bites, allergic reactions (food allergies) and so many other agents may trigger this itchy feeling as well.

Skin Itching & Scratching

Scratching is the physical act of us using a sharp object like our fingernails to scrape at the areas that are itchy to alleviate our symptoms. Unfortunately, scratching is a double-edged sword. In fact, scratching makes an itch worse as it makes itch nerves fire, heightening our discomfort in the affected area. This is known as the “itch-scratch cycle.” If this cycle goes on long enough, it can become its own disease state known as neurodermatitis.

Skin Conditions that Cause Itching

The best dermatologists spend a considerable amount of their day working with patients who are suffering from itch, some of whom have developed skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis, or contact dermatitis.

At Advanced Dermatology of the Midlands, our role as dermatology providers is to reduce the itch and relieve itchy skin as much as possible. Our role includes trying to determine and treat the exact cause or causes of a patient’s itching.

We also make it clear that the path to improvement involves considerable effort on both sides, and that the best way to heal is by avoiding scratching in conjunction with other treatments. We want patients to know that if they continue to scratch, scratching can become habitual feeding into the vicious cycle of itching & scratching lasting for days, months, or even years.

Take the Fire Out of the Itch

Apply Anti-itch Lotion and Moisturize

Anti-itch lotions including CeraVe Itch Relief and Sarna (unscented version) often help. These contain the active ingredient pramoxine, which soothes nerve endings that are involved in the itch sensation.

A dab of Calamine Lotion, Caladryl, Mentholatum, or Vick’s Vapor Rub to especially itchy areas can give added relief.

Moisturize thoroughly and often. Dry skin is one of the most common causes of itch, especially in individuals 60 or older. Ideally use moisturizer twice daily on all of your skin from the neck down to your toes.  CeraVe, Vanicream, Eucerin, and Aquaphor are the most common moisturizers dermatologists recommend.

For an added boost, keep your medication and/or moisturizer refrigerated for a more cooling and soothing relief when applying.

Trim Your Nails

Keep your fingernails trimmed close. This way you can do less damage to your skin if you scratch, especially if this occurs overnight when you are asleep.

Try Other Relief Alternatives

We have found that some patients will get relief from using their hands to put pressure on an itchy area or applying an ice pack for 5 minutes every half-hour or so. Scratching and rubbing may make the itch more intense, but these alternatives do not.

Experiment with Different Clothing

Lighter, looser-fit clothing may help. Cotton or silk fabrics may also be gentler on the skin. Avoid wool or other fabrics that have a rough texture. Consider the same ideas when it comes to your bed linens to help with your itch.

Itching Without Rash and Dry Skin

Advanced Dermatology of the Midlands | Best Dermatologist Omaha & Council Bluffs, IA | Board Certified Dermatologists

We hope you find this basic guide to itch useful and that it brings you relief from your suffering. The intense itch can seem relentless. If your itch is pronounced or lasting, or if you need more assistance, please consider scheduling an appointment at one of our dermatology clinics in Omaha, NE, and Council Bluffs, IA.

Before trying any home remedies for itchy skin, we suggest you speak with one of our board-certified dermatologists. All our dermatology providers have vast experience in helping patients identify the causes for their itching and navigate through the problem, finding their way back to normal feeling skin.

If we may be of any further assistance, please reach out to us for consultation at any of our two Omaha locations, Council Bluffs location, or outreach locations in surrounding rural communities.